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  • Posted on: Apr 26, 2010

    Summary: This document describes configuration settings around mirroring, monitoring and Mirroring Transfer Provider (MTP). Mirroring Configuration on CMS Parameters felt on Mirroring Settings Parameter Parameter's felt is used to pass settings to...

  • Posted on: Apr 26, 2010

    Catch Monitoring Event inside CMS With EPiSrever MirroringMonitoringModule you can easily catch monitoring events and build your application on it. The MirroringMonitoringModule is an http module that works as subscriber to the Monitoring server a...

  • Posted on: Apr 26, 2010

    Custom Mirroring Transfer Provider on USB Summary: Would you like to export the entire site on USB memory and importing to other places or why not saving it as backup? In this blog I will go through Custom Mirroring Transfer Provider (MTP). The...

  • Posted on: Apr 23, 2010

    EPiServer CMS 6 has a new page extension that add CSRF prevention on a Web form. I won’t go into detail of the CSRF exploit since Wikipedia has a good description. In short, someone uses a visitors browser to send a malicious request to another si...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 22, 2010

    In one of our projects we included EasySearch into our globalized enterprise solutions which introduced us to a few issues. The two main ones were: scoped search and search with fallback languages.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 22, 2010

    Fallback languages: We quickly discovered that EasySearch doesn't include any fallback languages in the search. To make this work we needed to make one main query for current language and one for the fallback language (if the the language had a...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 22, 2010

    If you want to extend EPiServer's PageTree to only/not include spesific pagetypes you can do this by creating your own pagetree control and make it inherite from EPiServer's PageTree class.

  • Posted on: Apr 22, 2010

    I’ve just contributed my second article in a series that I’ve been invited to write for the foremost IT portal here in South Africa. Please have a read, maybe leave a comment! :)