November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
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One hidden little feature that is nice to know about is the filesummary.config file. When you edit a file in EPiServer’s File Manager, you can edit the data for that file (simply right-click on the file and choose Edit File Summary). Which gives u...
Further to my previous post, and thank you all for so many views, I now have a solution for enabling the Google spell checker on the tinyMCE editor: Add the two dlls in the zip below to your project Copy the required lines from the web.config in t...
Recently I spoke to a client who had recently migrated to EPiServer from another CMS. They'd noticed that the number of internal broken links was going up rather than down after the migration. I thought that this was strange as EPiServer maintains...
So with the release of EPiServer 6 and all it’s advancements comes the news that spell checking is handled by your browser, great news if your using Firefox, a shambles if your not. How did the decision to disable spell checking for IE ever get ou...
If you’re using an appender layout like this: 1: layout type ="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" > 2: conversionPattern value ="%date %level [%thread] %type.%method - %message%n" /> 3: layout > The conversion pattern is: %date %level [%thread]...
Since I started to write this post Joel Abrahamsson has written a great introduction to what IoC is which rendered the beginning part of my post more or less redundant. So if you’re not familiar with terms like DI (dependency injection) and IoC...
I’ve done a little spring cleaning, updating all EPiServer posts to now use EPiServer CMS 6, and making sure the code still works. I’ve also added the code for ShareIt and SlideShare Dynamic Content to EPiCode, and updated EPiCode.Extensions....
Letting browsers cache files is a great way to improve your page load speed but also to reduce your bandwidth usage and ultimately save some money. It’s a win-win situation! Yslow recomends that files are cached at least 2 days, Googles Page Speed...