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  • Posted on: Jan 26, 2010

    I am sad to announce that we had to do a behavioral change in the gadget Ajax framework. Previously when you did an Ajax call (using the gadget framework, gadgetInstance.ajax({..}) ) we loaded the default view of the gadget ( gadget.loadView() )...

  • Posted on: Jan 26, 2010

    I am sad to announce that we had to do a behavioral change in the gadget Ajax framework. Previously when you did an Ajax call (using the gadget framework, gadgetInstance.ajax({..}) ) we loaded the default view of the gadget ( gadget.loadView() )...

  • Posted on: Jan 25, 2010

    Joel Abrahamsson put some light on some issues with the newly added generic overloads GetPage and GetChildren on DataFactory as well as the generic overload of ShallowCopy on PageData. These APIs were added mainly to give developers a way to hook ...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 25, 2010

    One of the things that I think have made EPiServer CMS such a successful product is it’s rather simple yet powerful caching strategy. Thanks to it’s caching mechanisms we as developers haven’t had to think too much about performance when using som...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 24, 2010

    In SP2 of EPiServer CMS 5 R2, that is the latest currently released version, two new methods with a bunch of overloads where added to DataFactory, GetPage () and GetChildren (). They where added to support Fredrik Tjärnbergs Page Type Tool and whe...

  • Posted on: Jan 24, 2010

    At the EPiServer Techforum in Oslo last week, I showed a quick and dirty page rating feature for CMS 6 using Page Objects and Dynamic Content. The source code for that can be found here . The project consists of 3 class: The Rating object. This is...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 23, 2010

    Enabling gzip compression is an easy way to make your site load faster, but how do you go about doing so for your EPiServer site and why should you? Gzip compression will reduce the size of a text file (such as html markup, css, js and files) up t...

  • Posted on: Jan 22, 2010

    A big thanks to Göran and the team at EPiServer Norway for a great Techforum. My Twitter id is paulsmith_epi for those who asked. We appreciate all feedback we get both positive and constructive. If you have anything to say about the Dynamic Data...