Anders Hattestad
Dec 23, 2009
(0 votes)

QueryRewriteProvider replace query strings with paths

For fun I tried to make a url rewriter that could translate generic query parameters to be part of the path.

So if you had a page /newlist/  and used a query parameter to get to page 2 like this /newslist/?page=2 you would get that parameter as a path like /newslist/page_2/.

The code to replace all links is simple when you base your code on FriendlyUrlRewriteProvider.

From pageRef –> Url

#region from PageRef=>URL
protected override bool ConvertToExternalInternal(UrlBuilder url, object internalObject, System.Text.Encoding toEncoding)
    bool status=base.ConvertToExternalInternal(url, internalObject, toEncoding);
    if (status)
        PageReference pageLink = internalObject as PageReference;
        if (pageLink != null)
            List<string> done = new List<string>(); 
            foreach (string key in url.QueryCollection.AllKeys) 
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(url.QueryCollection[key]))
                    url.Path += key + "_" + url.QueryCollection[key] + "/";
            foreach (string d in done)
    return status;

This code will replace all links create on a page with the path of that page and the extra “path” from the query.


When  want to translate the extra path to a query parameter I need to do some small changes in ConvertToInternalInternal function. But the changes are unfortantly a bit inside the base function so I needed to copy the whole function. I also needed to make some adjustments to the helper function GetPageFromStartByPath and GetPageBySegments so I could find last know page from path and get the rest of the path so I could add them to the query collection.

protected static PageReference GetPageBySegments(PageReference rootPageRef, string[] segments, string languageCode, out PageReference lastGood, List<string> segmentsRemoved)
    lastGood = PageReference.EmptyReference;
    for (int i = 0; (i < segments.Length) && !PageReference.IsNullOrEmpty(rootPageRef); i++)
        rootPageRef = UrlSegment.GetPageBySegment(rootPageRef, segments[i], languageCode, false);
        if (!PageReference.IsNullOrEmpty(rootPageRef))
            lastGood = rootPageRef;
            for (int x = i; x < segments.Length; x++)
    return rootPageRef;

Inside the ConvertToInternalIntranal I added this code

if (page == null)
    PageReference lastGood = PageReference.EmptyReference;
    List<string> segmentsRemoved = new List<string>();
    page = GetPageFromStartByPath(str, languageBranchAndPath,out lastGood, segmentsRemoved);

    if (page == null && !PageReference.IsNullOrEmpty(lastGood) && segmentsRemoved.Count>0)
        page = DataFactory.Instance.GetPage(lastGood, LanguageSelector.Fallback(ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture.Name, true));
        foreach (string segment in segmentsRemoved)

            string[] parts = segment.Split('_');
            queryCollection.Add(parts[0], HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlDecode( segment.Substring(parts[0].Length + 1)));

This code basically find the depths page based on the path, and take the rest of the path’s as query parameters. The code don’t use more cpu than the ordinary friendly rewriter.


The full code is here

Dec 23, 2009


Mårten Berg
Mårten Berg Sep 21, 2010 10:33 AM

Works great. Thanks for sharing.

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