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Chris Sharp
Apr 5, 2018
(4 votes)

Call for EMVP Nominations

It’s that time of year again! We are once again requesting your assistance in recommending those you feel should be made an Episerver Most Valued Professional (EMVP). For those who are unaware, we have changed the EMVP program so we accept nominations all year long, but are now evaluating on a quarterly basis. 

An EMVP is someone who actively – and consistently through a longer period of time – has done their utmost to help, support, and inspire others in the Episerver community. It is important to point out that we are looking for more than just developers; we are also looking for digital strategists. While the EMVP program started out focusing on developers who are writing technical blog posts and sharing code, we also know that there are many individuals in the community that also contribute with visionary and inspiring blog posts, videos, and public speaking sessions, sharing their knowledge and ideas freely with the broader Episerver community of customers and partners. The basic requirements for these EMVPs are the same as for the developers - to share and to inspire others.

You can learn more about the EMVP program at

If you have a person in mind who you think deserves to be recognized and would be a great fit for the EMVP group, send an email with your recommendation to allan (at) episerver (dot) com before April 20th.

Apr 05, 2018


Quan Mai
Quan Mai Apr 5, 2018 08:00 PM

I have been watching the community quite closely, and I see some people who have been showing great potentials - writing blog posts and answering questions. Maybe not now, but in next nominations I will be happy nominate you.

Scott Reed 

Jafet Valdez

EMVP is of course the highest honor you can get as an Episerver developer, so keep up the good work! 

Apr 6, 2018 09:39 AM

Thanks Quan, getting to an EMVP would be amazing, it's an honour to get a notice from the Commerce King :-) 

Jafet Valdez
Jafet Valdez Apr 6, 2018 12:07 PM

Thanks for the mention Quan!

Since starting with Episerver I've been trying to answer questions on the developer forums as a means to expose myself to other types of issues than what I may encounter in the projects that I'm involved with. I feel like this is a great way to broaden ones knowledge of the platform while also helping someone else out in the process. (maybe? :) )

This goes back to a learning motto that I've had for some time now - That you learn the most by helping others learn.

This community has been a great platform for me to put that motto into practice. Thanks for that everyone! :)

Being part of the EMVP program would be an honor, I see it as a great opportunity to learn and teach even more.

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