Personalization Find template - practice
This post describes how Find integrated with Personalization, how Find boost the result based on behavior data from Personalization – in a sample of course đ
1. I used Quicksilver - Commerce sample site for this post.
2. Add configuration from your Personalization UAT to the site
3. Make sure that the recommendation worked as expected. 4. View some product pages, so Personalization system can understand your behavior.
Verify the Personalization Find
1. Create a new personalization find test page.
2. Regarding the Personalization Find document and Jonas' blog post, the template looks like this:
private readonly IClient _client;
private readonly UrlResolver _urlResolver;
public PersonalizedFindPageController(IClient client, UrlResolver urlResolver)
_client = client;
public ActionResult Index(PersonalizedFindPage currentPage, string q, bool? usePersonalization = null)
var prefData = _client.Personalization().Conventions.PreferenceRepository.Load();
4. Debug or create a new view for viewing the prefData variant, the UI should have something like this:
5. Make sure that the return attributes aren't empty. Then we can get the Personalization search result by .UsingPersonalization()
for your current search query.
var resultsPersonalized = _client.Search<FashionProduct>()
6. Note that we can compare the search results by using personalization and without using personalization:
var resultsPersonalized = _client.Search()
var resultsWithoutPersonalized = _client.Search()
The search results have different orders based on the above attributes - that's customer behavior. That is how Personalization Find works.
This practice code is kept in this compressed file:, feel free to play with it.
Just note that Recommendation and Personalization Find are applied to Commerce content only at this time. And .UsingPersonalization() on the query, it only boosts Commerce content properties. I hope this feature will be applied to CMS content soon - waiting for that (Y)
Hope this help.
/Son Do