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Tahir Naveed
May 29, 2015
(3 votes)

Adding menu item to page tree context menu

Update: For EPiServer version 10.1 and above see this link

Recently I have migrated/upgraded an EPiServer 6 R2 composer based website to EPiServer 7.xx. In EPiServer 6 R2 website, the EPiServer right click context menu (page tree right click menu) was highly customized. This functionality, however, is totally removed in EPiServer 7.xx. EPiServer 7, however, does provide you a similar context menu to copy/cut/paste the content. My job was to customize this context menu and add menu items to it. 

Image Menu item.png

A quick Google search resulted in a great blog post published by Shamrez Iqbal to change the tooltip of the page tree and this acted as a starting point for my investigation. For the sake of completeness, I am going to mention all the steps required to customize the context menu, however all the credit goes to Shamrez Iqbal for such a great blog. To get started, install Alloy Tech (webforms) website using visual studio extension, and enable the uncompressed (non-minified) version of javascript files in edit mode.

Enable client side debugging for JavaScript Files

The first thing that needs to be done is to tell EPiServer to use the uncompressed version of JavaScript files in edit mode so you can easily debug the js files. This is well explained in “Uncompressed JavaScript for EPiServer 7.6+” article here, however, in summary, you have to install the “EPiServer.CMS.UI.Sources” from nuget

Image Install_package_cms_ui_sources.png

and simply add the

<clientResources debug="true" />

 to the EPiServerFramework.config file underneath the episerver.framework element.

Once this is installed, you should see under modules\_protected\CMS directory

Override the Context Menu creation process

So to customize the context menu, we have to a) identify where this menu is created and b) find out a way to override/customize the process so we can inject our own menu item. The page tree menu is created in \epi-cms\component\ContentNavigationTree.js and this can be customized by using an InitializableModule to override PageRepositoryDescriptor. (see this blog for detail description) Full code is below.

 public class OurDescriptor : PageRepositoryDescriptor
        public override string CustomNavigationWidget
                return "alloy/component/ContentNavigationTree";

    public class DescriptorInitialization : EPiServer.ServiceLocation.IConfigurableModule

        public void ConfigureContainer(EPiServer.ServiceLocation.ServiceConfigurationContext context)

        public void Initialize(EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine context)


        public void Preload(string[] parameters)


        public void Uninitialize(EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine context)


        private static void ConfigureContainer(StructureMap.ConfigurationExpression container)
            container.IfTypeMatches(type => type.Equals(typeof(PageRepositoryDescriptor))).InterceptWith(i => new OurDescriptor());

 Second step is to copy the original EPiServer JS uncompressed files provided by EPiServer and modify it to customize the menu. To do this, open the under modules\_protected\CMS directory and 

  • Copy all the JS code from ContentNavigationTree.uncompressed.js. Create a file ContentNavigationTree.js under ClientResources\Scripts\Component directory and paste the copied content.
    • change "epi-cms/component/ContentNavigationTree" to alloy/component/ContentNavigationTree
    • Change "epi-cms/component/ContentContextMenuCommandProvider" to  "alloy/component/ContentContextMenuCommandProvider"
    • Change  "./command/_GlobalToolbarCommandProvider", to  "epi-cms/component/command/_GlobalToolbarCommandProvider",
    • Change  "../command/CopyContent", to  "epi-cms/command/CopyContent"
    • Change  "../command/CutContent", to  "epi-cms/command/CutContent"
    • Change  "../command/DeleteContent", to  "epi-cms/command/DeleteContent"
    • Change  "../command/PasteContent", to  "epi-cms/command/PasteContent"
  • Copy all the JS code from ContentContextMenuCommandProvider.js, create a file ContentContextMenuCommandProvider.js under ClientResources\Scripts\Component directory and paste the copied content. The full code is below (notice the newly added RefreshTreeCommand)
define("alloy/component/ContentContextMenuCommandProvider", [
// dojo
// epi




function (
// dojo
// epi


) {

    return declare([_CommandProviderMixin, CreateCommandsMixin], {
        // summary:
        //      Command provider for content context menus
        // tags:
        //      internal xproduct

        // treeModel: [Object]
        //      Model use for the commands
        treeModel: null,

        clipboardManager: null,

        _settings: null,
        _newContentCommand: null,
        _translateContentCommand: null,

        constructor: function (params) {
            declare.safeMixin(this, params);

        postscript: function () {

            //Create the commands
            this._settings = {
                category: "context",
                model: this.treeModel,
                clipboard: this.clipboardManager,
                selection: new Selection()

            this._translateContentCommand = new TranslateCommand({ category: "context"});

            var createCommands = this.getCreateCommands(),
                commands = [];

            for (var key in createCommands) {
				new RefreshTreeCommand(this._settings),
                new CutCommand(this._settings),
                new CopyCommand(this._settings),
                new PasteCommand(this._settings),
                new DeleteCommand(this._settings)

            this.set("commands", commands);

        updateCommandModel: function (model) {
            // summary:
            //      Updates the model for the commands.
            // tags:
            //      public
            array.forEach(this.get("commands"), function(command){
                if (command.isInstanceOf(this.createCommandClass) || command.popup){
                    command.set("model", model);
            }, this);

            this._translateContentCommand.set("model", model);
            this._settings.selection.set("data", [{ type: "epi.cms.contentdata", data: model}]);



Now under the component directory add the file RefreshTreeCommand.js and add the following code. The below code is copied from "copy command" and modified. As an example, I am just getting the clicked page id, calling the asmx webservice and reloading the whole page.

define("alloy/component/RefreshTreeCommand", [
], function (declare, array, epi, _Command, _ClipboardCommandMixin, _SelectionCommandMixin) {

    return declare([_Command, _ClipboardCommandMixin, _SelectionCommandMixin], {
        // summary:
        //      A command that starts the create new content process when executed.
        // tags:
        //      public

        // label: [readonly] String
        //		The action text of the command to be used in visual elements.
        label: "Refresh",

        // iconClass: [readonly] String
        //		The icon class of the command to be used in visual elements.
        iconClass: "epi-iconRevert",

        _execute: function () {
            // summary:
            //		Copies the currently selected items to the clipboard and sets the clipboard copy flag.
            // tags:
            //		protected

            //this.clipboard.set("copy", true);
            //alert('Thanks for calling me');
            // Standard jQuery to call an action method of our ASP.NET MVC controller
            var pageId = { "id":[0].data.contentLink };

                url: "/HelperService.asmx/Update",
                //handleAs: "json",
                headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
                timeout: 10000,
                postData: dojo.toJson(pageId),
                load: function (data) {
                    var result = dojo.fromJson(data);
                    if (result.d.Data != '') {
                error: function (error) {


        _onModelChange: function () {
            // summary:
            //		Updates canExecute after the model has been updated.
            // tags:
            //		protected

            var model = this.model,
               selection =,
               canExecute = false;

            if (model && selection.length) {
                canExecute = array.every(selection, function (item) {
                    return model.canCopy(;

            this.set("canExecute", canExecute);

The visual studio structure should be

Image VS_Structure.png

Now compile and run the project. You should see a new menu something like

Image Final.png

Clicking on this menu will call a asmx webservice passing page id as parameter. On server end, you can clear the EPiServer cache or do something else useful.

May 29, 2015


Vincent Jun 1, 2015 04:54 AM

Nice post, thanks for your sharing. 

Ben  McKernan
Ben McKernan Jun 5, 2015 01:04 PM

Nice! You inspired me to make a small add-on that demonstrates another, arguably simpler, way of adding an item to the context menu.

Marija Jemuovic
Marija Jemuovic Jun 10, 2015 03:01 PM

Hey Ben & Tahir,

Thx for inspiration for my new blog (and thx Ben for the solution that I could re-use to most extent).

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