Adding a menu item into Context Menu - EPiServer 10.1 way
A while back, I blogged about how to customise the context menu in EPiServer 7. The code used to extend the context menu was not an approach supported by EPiServer and it was not guaranteed to work with any future releases.
I was looking at the EPiServer documentation and came accross plugin areas document in which EPiServer explains the introduction of "Plug-in areas" for EPiServer 10.1 and higher which can be utilised to customise context menu both for commerce and cms.
The end result will be same and will look like
The VS project looks like
The gist for the code is here.
Please note that this code will only work for EPiServer.CMS.UI version 10.1 and higher.
It is a very simple code but if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Nice post Tahir