November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.

Daniel Ekeblad
Sep 11, 2022
(0 votes)

Include permissions (ACL) when importing content

I recently had to import about 500 pages all with their own specific settings on what roles have edit persmission. After trying a couple of different search terms I found an old blog post by Johan Björnfot that had a code snippet that hooks into the built in import feature and sets the access rights, the only downside being it was written for Episerver CMS 5 and 6 and can't just be copy-pasted.

While it did have a lot of errors when added to a project with Episerver 11 it offered a great starting point. The upgraded version (see below) was actually easy to create. Thanks to the Optimizely developers including helpful "please dont ues this, use that instead"-warnings as well as providing the events that makes this possible!

If you want to know what more can be done with these events you can take a look at this blog post by Antti Alasvuo

using EPiServer.Core;
using EPiServer.Core.Transfer;
using EPiServer.DataAbstraction;
using EPiServer.Enterprise;
using EPiServer.Enterprise.Transfer;
using EPiServer.Framework;
using EPiServer.Framework.Initialization;
using EPiServer.Security;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
using EPiServer.Web;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Plugins.AclImporter
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>
	/// Registers event handlers for when content is imported with the built in import data admin tool.
	/// This module extends the import to include ACL (permissions) for imported content.
	/// This is not handled by default and is the same as the parent content.
	/// </para>
	/// <para>
	/// This code is an update version of code written by Johan Björnfot for Episerver 5 and 6.
	/// Source:
	/// </para>
	/// </summary>
	public class AclImporterModule : IInitializableModule
		//The module will be a singleton so it needs to be thread safe
		private readonly object _lockObject = new object();
		private readonly Dictionary<ITransferContext, AclImporter> _aclImporters =
			new Dictionary<ITransferContext, AclImporter>();

		public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
			var dataImportEvents = context.Locate.Advanced.GetInstance<IDataImportEvents>();

			dataImportEvents.Starting += new ImportingEventHandler(DataImportEvents_Starting);
			dataImportEvents.Completed += new ImportingEventHandler(DataImportEvents_Completed);
			dataImportEvents.ContentImporting += DataImportEvents_ContentImporting;
			dataImportEvents.ContentImported += DataImportEvents_ContentImported;

		public void Preload(string[] parameters)

		public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
			var dataImportEvents = context.Locate.Advanced.GetInstance<IDataImportEvents>();

			dataImportEvents.Starting -= new ImportingEventHandler(DataImportEvents_Starting);
			dataImportEvents.Completed -= new ImportingEventHandler(DataImportEvents_Completed);
			dataImportEvents.ContentImporting -= DataImportEvents_ContentImporting;
			dataImportEvents.ContentImported -= DataImportEvents_ContentImported;

		private void DataImportEvents_Starting(ITransferContext transferContext, DataImporterContextEventArgs e)
			lock (_lockObject)
				_aclImporters.Add(transferContext, new AclImporter(transferContext));

		private void DataImportEvents_Completed(ITransferContext transferContext, DataImporterContextEventArgs e)
			lock (_lockObject)

		private void DataImportEvents_ContentImporting(ITransferContext transferContext, ContentImportingEventArgs e)
			AclImporter aclImporter;
			lock (_lockObject)
				aclImporter = _aclImporters[transferContext];


		private void DataImportEvents_ContentImported(ITransferContext transferContext, ContentImportedEventArgs e)
			AclImporter aclImporter;
			lock (_lockObject)
				aclImporter = _aclImporters[transferContext];


	public class AclImporter
		private readonly Dictionary<Guid, RawACE[]> _importedAce = new Dictionary<Guid, RawACE[]>();
		private readonly ITransferContext _context;
		private readonly IPermanentLinkMapper _mapper;
		private readonly IContentSecurityRepository _contentSecurity;

		public AclImporter(ITransferContext context)
			_context = context;
			_mapper = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IPermanentLinkMapper>();
			_contentSecurity = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentSecurityRepository>();

		internal void ImportingContent(EPiServer.Core.RawPage rawPage)
			_importedAce[GetContentGuid(rawPage)] = rawPage.ACL;

		internal void ImportingContent(ITransferContentData transferContentData)
			var rawData = transferContentData.RawContentData;
			_importedAce[GetContentGuid(rawData)] = rawData.ACL;

		internal void ImportedContent(ContentReference contentReference)
			//PageData pageData = _contentLoader.Get<PageData>(contentReference);

			//Note: We can not use pageData.PageGuid here since 
			//PageData instance is not complete
			PermanentLinkMap pageMap = _mapper.Find(contentReference);
			Guid oldPageGuid = _context.LinkGuidMap.First(pair => pair.Value == pageMap.Guid).Key;
			RawACE[] aces = _importedAce[oldPageGuid];

			var importedAcl = new ContentAccessControlList(aces)
				ContentLink = contentReference

			_contentSecurity.Save(contentReference, importedAcl, SecuritySaveType.Replace);

		private Guid GetContentGuid(RawContent rawContent)
			return new Guid(rawContent.Property.Single(prop => prop.Name == "PageGUID").Value);
Sep 11, 2022


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