Enum SaveAction
Type of save to perform on the page data object
Namespace: EPiServer.DataAccess
Assembly: EPiServer.dll
Version: 7.19.2Syntax
public enum SaveAction
This enumeration contains flag values (ForceNewVersion, ForceCurrentVersion) that provide additional information about the save operation. This means that if you need to check if a SaveAction value means Save, Checkin, Publish or Reject you need to clear the flag values first to do the comparison. This can be done using the ActionMask value which is shown in the second example below.
The following code example demonstrates the usage of SaveAction.
This example shows how you can clear flag values from a SaveAction value to check if it represents a Save, CheckIn, Publish or Reject value. In this case we check if it is Save.
Name | Description |
ActionMask | Mask to clear Force... settings from SaveAction |
CheckIn | Save and check in page, creating a new version only if necessary. |
DelayedPublish | Save and check in page, creating a new version only if necessary and sets the content as delayed publish. |
ForceCurrentVersion | Save and check in page, always updating the current version |
ForceNewVersion | Flag that is used to force the creation of a new version. |
None | Do not save data. |
Publish | Publish page, creating a new version only if necessary. |
Reject | Reject a checked-in page. |
Save | Save a page, leaving it in a checked out state. |
SkipValidation | Does not validate the data against IValidationService |