Area: Optimizely Product Recommendations
Applies to versions: 1.1 -1.2 JavaScript API
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Search results page tracking request

Recommended reading 

Note: This information applies to JavaScript API versions 1.1 and 1.2. See latest version here.

The search results page is tracked by providing the search term used and the reference codes of the products returned.

Note: Ensure the reference codes match the codes supplied in the catalog feed.

Name Description Usage


The search term used





A list of product codes

An array of elements containing a refCode property that indicates the reference codes of the products returned by the search term.

A search page is tracked using the following script.

  "type"          : "searchresults",
  "lang"          : "en-gb",
  "searchResults" : {
		      "term"    : "hello",
		      "results" : [
			            { "refCode" : "RC1" },
			            { "refCode" : "RC2" }

A zero search page (that is, one with no results) is tracked using the following script.

  "type"          : "searchresults",
  "lang"          : "en-gb",
  "searchResults" : {
		      "term"    : "hello",
		      "results" : []
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Last updated: Nov 06, 2017

Recommended reading