Not in this version, but I know it´s in their backlog to add support for collection of properties/local blocks. For now I usually point to a folder that contains all the images using this code:
[Display(Name = "Hente bilder fra", Order = 120)]
ClientEditingClass = "epi-cms.widget.FileSelector",
EditorConfiguration = "{ \"fileBrowserMode\": \"folder\" }"
public virtual Url FolderUrl { get; set; }
Why not have a local block or block with contentarea and drop your images there? Editor can order the images (or content) in the contentarea and you can have your custom rendering for the 'list'. Also this way you could re-use any images from what ever location in the file browser hierachy without having the images you want to list copied to a certain folder where from the list is created.
Are there a imagelist property in EPiServer 7.5 so you could select multiple images in the editor for a property field?
In EPiServer 7 I used a customized plugin EPiImage that had a gallerycollection property.