ImageVaultBrowser.js scriptError in dojoLoader


After a while we end up with this script error in a site. If I recycle it goes away for some time, sometimes hours.

ImageVault is 4.4.12.

Anyone seen similiar error? Could maybe Shell be set to treat these errors more gracefully and not hide the entire Edit Mode?

Error: scriptError
      [functions]: ,
      __proto__: { },
      description: "scriptError",
      info: [
         0: "/EPiServer/Shell/",
         1: {
            [functions]: ,
            __proto__: { },
            AT_TARGET: 2,
            bubbles: false,
            BUBBLING_PHASE: 3,
            cancelable: false,
            cancelBubble: false,
            CAPTURING_PHASE: 1,
            constructor: { },
            currentTarget: null,
            defaultPrevented: false,
            eventPhase: 2,
            isTrusted: true,
            srcElement: { },
            target: { },
            timeStamp: 1418216241411,
            type: "error"
         length: 2
      message: "scriptError",
      name: "Error",
      src: "dojoLoader"

Dec 10, 2014 14:21
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