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Disable "create new block" for content area


We have a content area in a commerce solution which is restricted to NodeContent (i.e. categories) with the intention that the editor can drag/drop categories from the catalog tree. It doesn't make sense to have the "create new block" link in that content area.

Is there any way we can disable "create new block" for a content area?

Sep 10, 2014 14:49

Linus Ekström writes in a comment to his own post here how to do it.

Just put this in the language file to override the default text:
<template>You can drop content here</template>

Oct 15, 2014 13:58

Thanks. However this will disable it for all content areas. I would like to be able to disable it per content area. Preferrably through an attribute on the declaration, along the lines of AllowedTypes...

Something like

public virtual ContentArea RollingBannerArea { get; set; }
Oct 15, 2014 14:37

+1! count my voice too

Dec 04, 2014 10:40


We are currently working on fixing the known issues for the AllowedTypes pattern and will try to include this functionality as the same time. So if you are lucky you get a nice christmas present :).

Dec 04, 2014 11:07


Did the ability to disable the "Create new" and only allow drag and drop of existing blocks get added as suggested above?  I have exactly the same requirement here.



May 03, 2016 15:51

Hi Gary,

I don't think that it's a built in functionality in EPi9, but tt's not difficult to implement.

Here is a detailed description:

May 18, 2016 10:22
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