You can make a block for that and insert it in the text editor (XhtmlString property).
Just one property needed on the block type:
[ContentType] public class FileListBlock : BlockData { [UIHint(UIHint.MediaFolder)] public virtual ContentReference FolderPath { get; set; } }
Then you can use IContentRepository to get the children (files):
var contentRepo = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRepository>(); IEnumerable<MediaData> files = contentRepo.GetChildren<MediaData>(myBlockContent.FolderPath);
In your block view you just render <ul> with links to the files:
<ul> @foreach (var file in files) { <li><a href="@Url.ContentUrl(file.ContentLink)">@file.Name</a> } </ul>
I am rather new at episerver started now on the 7.5!
I want editors to easy choose files from a mapp and make link of them
In ver 6 there looks like there is something called dynamic content and file list!
See it in this video
Thats the easy solution I want! Is that solution avaible in 7.5?
I cannot find it!
// Markus