I have an EpiServer 7.5 site that I built a while ago with a few other developers, some time ago one of our developers commented out the UrlRewriteModule as it was causing pages not to displayed properly however links in TinyMCE are not working. I've been trying to put the UrlRewriteModule back in but it's not working. The site was set up originally as MVC but has been ported back to weforms.
I have read up on the configuration anded ag also comparinst a base webforms installation and have in the web.config
But when this is enabled all I get a blank page, I can't see any errors or issues and the bindings are correct as it all works when removing the module.
Anyone have ideas on this or if faced similar got to get TinyMCE working?
I have an EpiServer 7.5 site that I built a while ago with a few other developers, some time ago one of our developers commented out the UrlRewriteModule as it was causing pages not to displayed properly however links in TinyMCE are not working. I've been trying to put the UrlRewriteModule back in but it's not working. The site was set up originally as MVC but has been ported back to weforms.
I have read up on the configuration anded ag also comparinst a base webforms installation and have in the web.config
And in the episerver.config
But when this is enabled all I get a blank page, I can't see any errors or issues and the bindings are correct as it all works when removing the module.
Anyone have ideas on this or if faced similar got to get TinyMCE working?