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Change globalassets route



We have a customer who's wondering if it's possible to change the globalassets url to something else?

For example from http://site.com/globalassets/image.png

to http://site.com/resurser/image.png (resurser is Swedish).

We're using EPiServer 8.

Thank you,

Peter W

Mar 26, 2015 13:43

Not sure  if this helps though we had a similar(ish) support case previously where development team gave us some tips: 

... could have a InitializableModule that e.g. sets up an eventhandler for Global.RoutesRegistered. In the eventhandler they should first remove the assets registered by CMS (easiest found if reflecting EPiServer.Web.Routing.RouteCollectionExtensions.RegisterRoutes.
Then he can reregister them again as it is done in that code but with another staticsegment e.g. xyzglobalassets

Johan's code posted in this post may help a bit..

Mar 30, 2015 11:45

Thank you Paul.

I will try that.

//Peter W

Mar 30, 2015 11:57
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