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Five New Optimizely Certifications are Here! Validate your expertise and advance your career with our latest certification exams. Click here to find out more
You could use EPiServer's PermanentLinkHelper utility in your plugin. If you're using the same code as ExtendedEPiLink you can modify your require statement in editor_plugin.js so it looks like this:
require([ "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/on", "dojo/when", "dojo/dom-style", "epi/dependency", "epi/Url", "epi/shell/widget/dialog/Dialog", "epi-cms/ApplicationSettings", "epi-cms/widget/LinkEditor", "epi-cms/core/PermanentLinkHelper", // Resources "epi/i18n!epi/cms/nls/episerver.cms.widget.editlink" ], function ( lang, array, on, when, domStyle, dependency, Url, Dialog, ApplicationSettings, LinkEditor, PermanentLinkHelper, // Resources resource )
Then in the callback method you can call the getContent method on the PermanentLinkHelper class:
PermanentLinkHelper.getContent(permanentUrl).then(function (myContent) { var isPdf =".pdf"); console && console.log(myContent); });
That's perfect, just what I was looking for.
On a side note, is there any documentation on what utilities one can use?
Answer: Yes, here
I am trying to set a class on a-tags depending on what content it is when the editor is linking in the link dialogue in TinyMCE.
Example: Editor links to a mediafile with file-extension pdf. and so on.
I have made an extendend link dialogue based on Marijas ExtendedEPiLink ( Thanks Marija :) )
But when the editor clicks "Ok" I get an object with pagelink as href (/link/123..321.apsx)
I can't see if the content linked is a pdf-file or anything from that.
Is there a way to convert that pagelink to a friendly url in js in the widget?
I am thinking that there may be a built in epi dojo plugin with this functionality?
A backup option would be to call a backend api that would convert it to content data and return file extension.