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EPiServer search - HTTP404.0 on indexing service


Hi all,

I've recently "upgraded" one of our customers to HTTPS, but we now notice the IndexingService throws an HTTP 404.0 error. I've found this blog post by Eric Pettersson, but following the steps in there don't seem to solve my problem. I've got the follow things in my Web.config:





Everything I can find on the internet seems to indicate that everything above should be enough to make it work over HTTPS, but so far I've been unsuccesfull in this. It must be something small that I'm missing. Anyone got a clue?

Yes, the file does exist, it worked prior to going to HTTPS. No, changing everything back to HTTP doesn't seem to work. Yes, the application pool has access to this file (it's permissions are the same as those for e.g. the views).

Jul 27, 2015 13:51

This was fixed with help from the EPiServer Developer Support team. The solution apparently is to run a separate site for the search. Easiest way to do this is to create a new site using the EPiServer deployment center. After configuring this in the EPiServer site and doing a complete reindex everything seems to be working just fine.

Aug 03, 2015 8:53
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.