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Normal Site map in 8 MVC



Is it possible to generate a normal Sitemap for a site - not an XML site map but a navigation type site map that shows all the published pages on a site.

I can do it as a webform but for this project we are using MVC.



Aug 07, 2015 9:16

Something like this?

public class SitemapNode
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Url { get; set; }
    public List<SitemapNode> Nodes { get; set; }
public class FilterPublicAccess : PageFilterBase
    private readonly IPrincipal _principal;

    public FilterPublicAccess()
        _principal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity("visitor"), new[] { "Everyone" });

    public override bool ShouldFilter(PageData page)
        return !page.ACL.QueryDistinctAccess(_principal, AccessLevel.Read);

    public override bool ShouldFilter(IContent content)
        var page = content as PageData;
        if (page == null)
            return false;

        return ShouldFilter(page);
public class SitemapGenerator
    private readonly IContentLoader _contentLoader;
    private readonly UrlResolver _urlResolver;

    public SitemapGenerator(IContentLoader contentLoader, UrlResolver urlResolver)
        _contentLoader = contentLoader;
        _urlResolver = urlResolver;

    public SitemapNode GetNodes(PageReference startPage)
        var page = _contentLoader.Get<PageData>(startPage);

        var node = new SitemapNode
            Title = page.Name,
            Url = GetExternalUrl(page.PageLink)

        GetChildNodes(page, node);

        return node;

    private void GetChildNodes(PageData page, SitemapNode node)
        var publicAccessFilter = new FilterPublicAccess();
        var publishedFilter = new FilterPublished();

        var children = _contentLoader.GetChildren<PageData>(page.ContentLink)
                                        .Where(x =>
                                            // skip container pages
                                            x.HasTemplate() &&
                                            // skip pages that have 'Display in navigation' unchecked
                                            x.VisibleInMenu &&
                                            // skip pages that are not visible to everyone
                                            !publicAccessFilter.ShouldFilter(x) &&
                                            // skip unpublished pages

        if (children.Count == 0) return;

        node.Nodes = new List<SitemapNode>(children.Count);

        foreach (var child in children)
            var sitemapNode = new SitemapNode
                Title = child.Name,
                Url = GetExternalUrl(child.PageLink)

            GetChildNodes(child, sitemapNode);


    private string GetExternalUrl(PageReference pageReference)
        var internalUrl = _urlResolver.GetUrl(pageReference);
        var url = new UrlBuilder(internalUrl);
        EPiServer.Global.UrlRewriteProvider.ConvertToExternal(url, null, Encoding.UTF8);

        return url.ToString();

In page controller, you can generate sitemap like this:

var siteMapGenerator = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<SitemapGenerator>();
var node = siteMapGenerator.GetNodes(ContentReference.StartPage);

Result from Alloy:

Hope this helps :)

Aug 07, 2015 10:30

How do you set up the cshtml page?

Aug 07, 2015 11:11

You can create a helper class like this:

public static class SitemapHelper
    public static void GenerateSitemap(this HtmlHelper html, SitemapNode sitemap)
        WriteNode(html, sitemap);

    private static void WriteNode(this HtmlHelper html, SitemapNode node)
        html.ViewContext.Writer.WriteLine("<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", node.Url, node.Title);
        if (node.Nodes != null && node.Nodes.Count > 0)
            foreach (var childNode in node.Nodes)
                WriteNode(html, childNode);


I don't know how your viewmodel looks like, but you could have something like this in controller:

var viewModel = new MyViewModel(currentPage);

var siteMapGenerator = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<SitemapGenerator>();
var sitemap = siteMapGenerator.GetNodes(ContentReference.StartPage);

viewModel.Sitemap = sitemap;

return View(viewModel);


@model MyViewModel

@{ Html.GenerateSitemap(Model.Sitemap); }

It should generate the following HTML for Alloy:

        <a href="/">Start</a>
                <a href="/alloy-plan/">Alloy Plan</a>
                        <a href="/alloy-plan/download-alloy-plan/">Download Alloy Plan</a>
                <a href="/alloy-track/">Alloy Track</a>
                        <a href="/alloy-track/download-alloy-track/">Download Alloy Track</a>
                        <a href="/alloy-track/download-whitepaper-alloy-track/">Whitepaper</a>
                <a href="/alloy-meet/">Alloy Meet</a>
                        <a href="/alloy-meet/download-alloy-meet/">Download Alloy Meet</a>
                <a href="/about-us/">About us</a>
                        <a href="/about-us/news-events/">News & Events</a>
                                <a href="/about-us/news-events/events/">Events</a>
                                        <a href="/about-us/news-events/events/reporting-made-simple/">Reporting Made Simple</a>
                                        <a href="/about-us/news-events/events/collaboration-made-simple/">Collaboration Made Simple</a>
                                        <a href="/about-us/news-events/events/risk-management-in-complex-projects/">Risk Management</a>
                                <a href="/about-us/news-events/press-releases/">Press Releases</a>
                                        <a href="/about-us/news-events/press-releases/alloy-pays-it-forward/">Alloy Pays it Forward</a>
                                        <a href="/about-us/news-events/press-releases/newworld-wildlife-fund-chooses-alloy/">Alloy Saves Bears</a>
                                        <a href="/about-us/news-events/press-releases/alloy-plan-enhances-risk-management/">Enhances Risk Management</a>
                                        <a href="/about-us/news-events/press-releases/alloy-meet-acclaimed-for-top-collaboration-technology/">Top Collaboration Technology</a>
                        <a href="/about-us/management/">Management</a>
                        <a href="/about-us/contact-us/">Contact us</a>
                        <a href="/about-us/become-a-reseller/">Become a reseller</a>
Aug 07, 2015 11:52


Can I ask what your viewmodel looks like please? It's always tricky looking at someone elses code and your thoughts are all blank :).

Edited, Aug 07, 2015 12:10


Let's say you have sitemap page type defined like this:

[ContentType(GUID = "d6030985-2cb1-4c03-801e-a282a8122bd0")]
public class SitemapPage : PageData
    // ...

If you want to use PageViewModel<T> approach from Alloy:

public class MyViewModel : PageViewModel<StartPage>
    public MyViewModel(SitemapPage currentPage) : base(currentPage)

    public SitemapNode Sitemap { get; set; }

Otherwise you can define your viewmodel like this:

public class MyViewModel
    public MyViewModel(SitemapPage currentPage)
        CurrentPage = currentPage;

    public SitemapPage CurrentPage { get; private set; }
    public SitemapNode Sitemap { get; set; }
Aug 07, 2015 12:55

Again, thaks for your help.

In your Controller - what is currentPage?

Aug 07, 2015 13:13

Page type:

[ContentType(GUID = "d6030985-2cb1-4c03-801e-a282a8122bd0")]
public class SitemapPage : PageData
    // ...

View model:

public class SitemapViewModel
    public SitemapViewModel(SitemapPage currentPage)
        CurrentPage = currentPage;

    public SitemapPage CurrentPage { get; private set; }
    public SitemapNode Sitemap { get; set; }


public class SitemapPageController : PageController<SitemapPage>
    public ActionResult Index(SitemapPage currentPage)
        var viewModel = new SitemapViewModel(currentPage);

        var siteMapGenerator = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<SitemapGenerator>();
        var sitemap = siteMapGenerator.GetNodes(ContentReference.StartPage);

        viewModel.Sitemap = sitemap;

        return View(viewModel);

View (you may need to change the namespace):

@model SitemapDemo.Controllers.SitemapViewModel

@{ Html.GenerateSitemap(Model.Sitemap); }
Aug 07, 2015 13:28

Hi, Many thanks for your patience - this is exactly what I needed and works like a charm - thansk for all your help,



Aug 07, 2015 14:57
Aug 19, 2015 3:12
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