Thanks Dan for the reply.
Do you know what methods exactly I need to use on UrlResolver to get if possible a PageData object from an EPiServer.Url property ?
UrlResolver.Route(urlBuilder) returns an IContent which you can cast to PageData
I have an EPiServer.Url propertyon one of my block types.
In version 7.15 I used to be able to parse out the PageReference this Url represented. and if it was a CMS use another extension method to render the simple address for the page.
I have upgraded from this version to 8.8.0 and now it fails to parse the Url property to extract the PageReference.
I noticed that the 7.15 url property is in the format: /link/486c6b7755d34e219d0afa93123ff9b9.aspx?id=9021
whereas the 8.8.0 is in the format: /link/486c6b7755d34e219d0afa93123ff9b9.aspx
So it looks like its dropped the ?id= query parameter.
Is there a new way to parse these EPiServer.Url properties ? any advise on how to continue to process them as I have been doing ? i.e. transforming to PageData if possible so I can render its simple address ?