Delayed published content behavior



A client is having some issues with delayed publishing. According to the user, a page is created, and then set to schedule for publish.

However, after a while the page is published - even though the publish date has not yet occurred.

I have not been able to recreate this myself, and I tried scanning through the bug list to see if I saw something that could resemble this kind of behavior.

I took a peak in the Change Log, and were able to see the pages in question - but AFAIK the Change Log doesnt show the actual publish status of a page, so I werent able to see if the pages were actually published "by mistake".

It should be noted that this is an enterprise site, and the other sites has not reported this behavior.

I'm wondering if anyone else have had similar experience? 

Jun 28, 2016 15:22

Not something silly like that you got menus that aren't filtered correctly? Possible to see if the problem is that the page is actually published wrongly or simply displayed when it's really unpublished.

Add some logging to published event and see if it happens again...

Jun 28, 2016 15:49

Hi, OerjanH,

There are some strange behaviors that come with delayed publishing, ex. e.Content in PublishingContent is not a writable clone. 

However, I have not noticed that the job itself works strangely, except that the strange thing is that edit mode shows browser time, but admin mode shows server time, so if you are on cloud, the editors might see a mismatch in timing and hence think that something is fishy. Could that be the case for you?

Also, which version are you on, perhaps there is a bug in the newest version?

Jun 28, 2016 16:21



>>Not something silly like that you got menus that aren't filtered correctly? Possible to see if the problem is that the page is actually published wrongly or simply displayed when it's really unpublished.

It is approximately the 20 pages this happened to. So I wouldnt think its a edit-mode UI glitch (as I've seen from time to time and know what you mean). 

>>Add some logging to published event and see if it happens again...

I'll try that next.


>>However, I have not noticed that the job itself works strangely, except that the strange thing is that edit mode shows browser time, but admin mode shows server time, so if you are on cloud, the editors might see a mismatch in timing and hence think that something is fishy. 

We're not on cloud, but what you're saying here is interesting. I did a quick test, and set my local time one day back. I then published a page. After setting my local time back to normal, and logging out/in again, I noticed that the publish date of the page said "Yesterday". So even though I published the page today, Epi takes my local time into account, and sets the publish date to that. So for users with incorrect date/time on their computers, I can imagine there could be some confusion.
But then again, since this is delayed publishing, I wouldnt think this should be a real problem, as the publish date the user is selecting has nothing to do with the clients current date/time. 

Jun 29, 2016 8:15

A small update.

It seems the editor had set the publish date in the incorrect month (one month early). Crisis averted ;-)

Jul 04, 2016 9:34
Vote: less possible bug to worry about then :)

Jul 04, 2016 9:47
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.