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Not sure what are you refering to but if I am correct in understanding you want to change the behaviour based on your custom logic, this can be done by implementing EditorDescriptor and overriding the ModifyMetadata method.
Well, I see the name property in PageData class. Currently you're allowed to change it per language. In my case, it should only be editable in en-US.
Can you please point me in the right direction?
This is pseudo code, it should work
public class CustomMetaDataExtender : IMetadataExtender { public void ModifyMetadata(ExtendedMetadata metadata, IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes) { // loop through metaData.Properties and if its Name and langue is not en-us then foreach (ExtendedMetadata property in metadata.Properties) { if (property.PropertyName == "Name" and current language is not en-us) { property.disabled = trrue } } } }
How can I do it?