Hi thanks for your reply. I am running in IIS. We also observed same behaviour on the test server
Are zou the only developer or are there more?
how is your db setup. Are you sharing the db?
Hi thanks for your reply. I am running in IIS. We also observed same behaviour on the test server
what happens if tou install a clean episerver site?
Still the same problems?
Yes I am the only developer hitting the db. I havent run any other site I will try and update you. Also FYI I don't have episerver installed on this mc. I only have the site with episerver nuget pkgs
I assume it is not needed
Kindly let me know if that is correct
Hello there,
I am currently building a new site based on Episerver 7.5. The edit mode works fine when I login as a editor and publish content. After a while, I get 404 while accessing the edit mode. THere are no clues in the Episerver error log. The only way I could get it working is to restart the site.
The site is running on Windows 10 machine (IIS 10) and it is built on AlloyTech template
I verified the edit mode config settings against alloytech sample site and it seems to be fine. I could login to edit mode and access for a while. It only throws 404 after some time.
Below are my config settings:
Episerver config:
uiUrl="~/EPiServer/CMS/CMS/" utilUrl="~/util/" uiEditorCssPaths="~/Static/css/app.css" uiSafeHtmlTags="b,i,u,br,em,strong,p,a,img,ol,ul,li" />
Below is the error log file for the request "/EPiServer/CMS
2017-04-20 09:44:41,829 [349] INFO EPiServer.Scheduler.SchedulerService: No new scheduled jobs, currently waiting for 04/20/2017 09:38:30 (e59c5cbd-4d6d-446e-b0ea-0645b1653c5d)
2017-04-20 09:44:42,007 [342] DEBUG EPiServer.Shell.Web.Routing.ModuleRouteCollection: Not routing '~/EPiServer/CMS' since it doesn't start with '~/modules'
2017-04-20 09:44:42,010 [342] INFO EPiServer.Web.Routing.Segments.LanguageSegment: There was no language segment found for url 'EPiServer/CMS' and no language host mapping found therefore routing is stopped due to strict routing setting
2017-04-20 09:44:42,015 [342] INFO EPiServer.Web.Routing.Segments.LanguageSegment: There was no language segment found for url 'EPiServer/CMS' and no language host mapping found therefore routing is stopped due to strict routing setting
2017-04-20 09:44:42,044 [340] DEBUG EPiServer.Shell.Web.Routing.ModuleRouteCollection: Not routing '~/favicon.ico' since it doesn't start with '~/modules'
2017-04-20 09:44:46,148 [329] DEBUG SearchSettings: Start dequeue unprocessed items
2017-04-20 09:44:46,150 [329] DEBUG SearchSettings: End dequeue unprocessed items
Also I checked the below thread/reply from David, but the site url is fine . Could any one help me on this?
Many thanks for your help.
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