Episerver 7.5 intermittent 404 Error while accessing edit mode


Hello there,

I am currently building a new site based on Episerver 7.5. The edit mode works fine when I login as a editor and publish content. After a while, I get 404 while accessing the edit mode. THere are no clues in the Episerver error log. The only way I could get it working is to restart the site. 

The site is running on Windows 10 machine (IIS 10) and it is built on AlloyTech template

I verified the edit mode config settings against alloytech sample site and it seems to be fine. I could login to edit mode and access for a while. It only throws 404 after some time. 

Below are my config settings:

Episerver config:


uiUrl="~/EPiServer/CMS/CMS/" utilUrl="~/util/" uiEditorCssPaths="~/Static/css/app.css" uiSafeHtmlTags="b,i,u,br,em,strong,p,a,img,ol,ul,li" />



Below is the error log file for the request "/EPiServer/CMS

2017-04-20 09:44:41,829 [349] INFO EPiServer.Scheduler.SchedulerService: No new scheduled jobs, currently waiting for 04/20/2017 09:38:30 (e59c5cbd-4d6d-446e-b0ea-0645b1653c5d)
2017-04-20 09:44:42,007 [342] DEBUG EPiServer.Shell.Web.Routing.ModuleRouteCollection: Not routing '~/EPiServer/CMS' since it doesn't start with '~/modules'
2017-04-20 09:44:42,010 [342] INFO EPiServer.Web.Routing.Segments.LanguageSegment: There was no language segment found for url 'EPiServer/CMS' and no language host mapping found therefore routing is stopped due to strict routing setting
2017-04-20 09:44:42,015 [342] INFO EPiServer.Web.Routing.Segments.LanguageSegment: There was no language segment found for url 'EPiServer/CMS' and no language host mapping found therefore routing is stopped due to strict routing setting
2017-04-20 09:44:42,044 [340] DEBUG EPiServer.Shell.Web.Routing.ModuleRouteCollection: Not routing '~/favicon.ico' since it doesn't start with '~/modules'
2017-04-20 09:44:46,148 [329] DEBUG SearchSettings: Start dequeue unprocessed items
2017-04-20 09:44:46,150 [329] DEBUG SearchSettings: End dequeue unprocessed items

Also I checked the below thread/reply from David, but the site url is fine . Could any one help me on this?


Many thanks for your help.

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Edited, Apr 20, 2017 6:53

Are you running IISEXpress or IIS?

Apr 20, 2017 17:45

Hi thanks for your reply. I am running in IIS. We also observed same behaviour on the test server

Apr 20, 2017 19:22

Are zou the only developer or are there more?
how is your db setup. Are you sharing the db?

Apr 20, 2017 19:27

Hi thanks for your reply. I am running in IIS. We also observed same behaviour on the test server

Apr 20, 2017 19:27

what happens if tou install a clean episerver site?
Still the same problems?

Apr 20, 2017 19:28


Yes I am the only developer hitting the db. I havent run any other site I will try and update you. Also FYI I don't have episerver installed on this mc. I only have the site with episerver nuget pkgs

I assume it is not needed

Kindly let me know if that is correct

Apr 20, 2017 19:32
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