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Passing custom parameters into scheduled jobs


I'm looking to throw in some custom parameters on a scheduled job, and I was wondering if this blog post by Mathias Kunto is still the one and only way to do it in Epi 10? His post is from 2012, so I was hoping that perhaps it's become easier/less dirty than how he outlines it, or maybe there's a different approach now? I couldn't find any other documentation though, and wanted to double check before diving into implementing it using his method.

Thanks! :)

Jul 18, 2017 20:30

There is no other method at the moment. fork.update.publish ;)

Jul 18, 2017 22:30

This post does describes how it can be done (note the oringal post has been removed and this is the archived version):


Jul 18, 2017 22:50

Also a side note (after reading post mentioned) - don't use ServiceLocator. Jobs support constructor injection as well.

Jul 18, 2017 22:54

Thanks everyone! I'll take that into account. I sppose I'll likely use Mathias Kunto's approach, or maybe just put settings on another GUI Tool plugin, or maybe the settings page.

Good to know :)

Jul 20, 2017 20:59

I would vote for plugin upgrade to v10 ;)

Jul 21, 2017 14:08
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