EPiServer 10 on Azure - Service Bus issues



I'm running into some issues when running EPiServer 10 on our Azure environment. This prevents us from upgrading our production site from 9 to 10. 

We run our site on 5 instances and use Azure's Sevicebus as an event provider. The problem we have is that the topic EPiServer creates in the service bus is constantly increasing in size on our develop version running EPiServer 10, while our production topic size doesn't show this behaviour. Eventually it will reach the maximum size which probably isn't good. I tried mingling with the 'Message time to live' setting in Azure but this doesn't seem to make a difference. 

I already updated all related packages (including WindowsAzure.ServiceBus) to the latest possible versions, in case of Windows.ServiceBus this is version 3.4.6 due to version constraints.

In the EPiServer 10 release notes I read about changes in the event system, but I'm not sure what I should do to tackle this problem. What did I miss?

Edited, Aug 01, 2017 9:52

When upgrading "over" EPiServer.Azure 9.2.0 you should delete topics. The newer version will recreate them with "better" settings.

I think they are setting both EnablePartitioning och EnableExpress as active.


Aug 29, 2017 22:03
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