Does anyone know if we can customize a validation message for each field? Now I have 2 textboxes (Name, Email), those are required. When I click a submit button without input information those fileds, then the validation message show up "Field is requied"(Standard episerver form).
But I would like to have the validation message for show specific field name. Like "Name is required" and "Email is required".
Hello Episerver experts,
Does anyone know if we can customize a validation message for each field? Now I have 2 textboxes (Name, Email), those are required. When I click a submit button without input information those fileds, then the validation message show up "Field is requied" (Standard episerver form).
But I would like to have the validation message for show specific field name. Like "Name is required" and "Email is required".
Waiting to hear from any helps. Thanks