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Delete Orphaned VPP images



I am using Episerver 6 R2. There are over 14,000 orphaned images in the VPP which we have flagged in a spreadsheet.

Is there away to delete items that are orphaned from the site via code?



Edited, Nov 26, 2018 17:00

Hi Jonathan

If you have the spreadsheet can't you just use that to delete the images? If you want to do it via code then whatever logic produced the spreadsheet in the first place could be coded up and executed via a custom scheduled job.

Worth noting that newer versions of Episerver have a removed abandoned blobs scheduled job built in which does this for you. With Windows Server 2008 going end of life soon it might be worth looking into an upgrade ;)


Nov 26, 2018 23:21


The spreadsheet was generated by ScreamingFrog and produced 14,000 oprhaned images which we dont have the time to do by hand.

Our client is using Episerver 6 R2 and will not upgrade.

Nov 27, 2018 15:19

screaming frog and epi 6. that's an epic combination

Nov 30, 2018 6:07
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