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Unit testing - how to add blocks to a content area in a test project


Hi there, 

We would like to unit test a validator that ensures a content area doesn't have two blocks inside it: 

public class LandingPageValidator : IValidate
        public IEnumerable Validate(LandingPageDataModel instance)
            if (instance.HeroBlock.Count > 1)
                return new ValidationError[]
                    new ValidationError()
                        PropertyName = "Hero Block",
                        ErrorMessage = "Can only have one Hero Block"

            return Enumerable.Empty();

The problem we are facing is: how can we programatically add a second block to a content area, while inside the test project?

We have tried this approach: but that seems to work only in the main application (ContentReference.GlobalBlockFooter is null in the test project). 

In case it helps, here is the data model. 

public class LandingPageDataModel : BasePageDataModel
            Name = "Hero block",
            Description = "",
            Order = 140,
            GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content)]
        [AllowedTypes(new[] { typeof(LandingPageHeroDataModel) })]
        public virtual ContentArea HeroBlock { get; set; }

And here is what we have tried:

        public void Validate_WhenHasMoreThanOneHeroBlock_ReturnsError()
            // Arrange
            var validator = new LandingPageValidator();
            var model = new LandingPageDataModel { HeroBlock = new ContentArea() };
            var item = new ContentAreaItem();
            var expected = new ValidationError[]
                    new ValidationError()
                        PropertyName = "Hero Block",
                        ErrorMessage = "Can only have one Hero Block"
            // Act
            var result = validator.Validate(model);
            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, result);

However, it throws a null reference exception when we try to add the ContentAreaItem to the ContentArea (using model.HeroBlock.Items.Add). The exact error is:


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at EPiServer.Core.ContentArea.AddContentAreaItemsToFragments(IList items, Int32 startIndex)
Edited, Mar 14, 2018 8:23

Did you read this post?

Mar 22, 2018 23:30

Thanks @Johan! We had not read that. Will give it a go and update here. 

Apr 11, 2018 18:08
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