It's a too early stage to access current page in the ViewConfiguration constructor I would guess. And also, ViewType is expected to be a dojo widget. Maybe this will work instead?
[ServiceConfiguration(typeof(ViewConfiguration))] public class CustomView : ViewConfiguration<CustomPageType> { public CustomView() { ..... ControllerType = "alloy/contentediting/MyCustomViewController"; } }
And then your view controller script will look like this:
define([ // dojo 'dojo/_base/array', 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/when', // dijit 'dijit/_TemplatedMixin', 'dijit/_Widget', 'dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin', // epi 'epi-cms/core/ContentReference', 'epi-cms/_ContentContextMixin' ], function ( // dojo array, declare, lang, when, // dijit _TemplatedMixin, _Widget, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, // epi ContentReference, _ContentContextMixin ) { return declare([_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, _ContentContextMixin], { templateString: '<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"> \ <div data-dojo-attach-point="mainLayoutContainer" data-dojo-type="epi/shell/layout/PreserveRatioBorderContainer" data-dojo-props="gutters: false, livesplitters: false" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"> \ <div data-dojo-attach-point="toolbar" data-dojo-type="epi-cms/contentediting/EditToolbar" data-dojo-props="region:\'top\'"></div> \ <div data-dojo-attach-point="notificationBar" data-dojo-type="epi-cms/contentediting/NotificationBar" data-dojo-props="region:\'top\', layoutPriority: 99"></div> \ <div data-dojo-attach-point="editLayoutContainer" data-dojo-type="epi/shell/layout/CardContainer" data-dojo-props="region: \'center\', layoutPriority: 100"> \ <div data-dojo-attach-point="iframe" data-dojo-type="epi/shell/widget/Iframe" data-dojo-props="fitContainer: true"> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div>', startup: function () { if (this._started) { return; } this.inherited(arguments); when(this.getCurrentContext(), lang.hitch(this, function (context) { var contentLink = new ContentReference(context.id); this.iframe.load('/GetRemoteData/' + contentLink.id, null, false, false); this.contextChanged(context); })); } }); });
For this example, you will need the script to be placed in ~/ClientResources/Scripts/contentediting/MyCustomViewController.js
You also need a dojo path mapping in ~/module.config:
<module loadFromBin="false"> <dojo> <paths> <add name="alloy" path="Scripts" /> </paths> </dojo> <dojoModules> <add name="alloy" path="Scripts" /> </dojoModules> </module>
Hi again!
After some research I have a much better solution for you:
[ServiceConfiguration(typeof(ViewConfiguration))] public class MyViewConfiguration : ViewConfiguration<CustomPageType> { public MyViewConfiguration() { this.ControllerType = "alloy/widget/GetRemoteDataIFrameController"; this.ViewType = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/GetRemoteData"); } }
And this is the custom IFrameController script code (should be placed in ~/ClientResources/Scripts/widget/GetRemoteDataIFrameController.js):
define([ // dojo 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/array', // epi 'epi-cms/widget/IFrameController' ], function ( declare, array, // epi IFrameController ) { return declare([IFrameController], { updateView: function (data, context) { // summary: // Sets up the view by loading the URL of the inner iframe. if (data && data.skipUpdateView) { return; } this.toolbar.update({ currentContext: context, viewConfigurations: { availableViews: data.availableViews, viewName: data.viewName } }); var matchingItems = array.filter(data.availableViews, function (item) { return item.key === data.viewName; }); if (matchingItems.length === 0) { return; } this.load(matchingItems[0].viewType + '/' + context.id, null, true); } }); });
See my previous post for Dojo path mapping sample.
Thank you for the response.
Your suggestion worked fine apart from a slight issue:
When I use the MyCustomViewController I loose the "breadcrumb" and "toolbar" from the top of the EPi-interface.
I can see that you have defined divs for them in the template markup, but I have no idea how to fill that with default epi content. Any suggestions?
Thanks for the help.
Yes, I actually posted a better solution right before your post, but you have probably already noticed that. :)
Thanks again, I'll try that method and see if it helps with my UI issues!
Hi again!
After somse research I have a much better solution for you:
Actually, if you can settle with query strings in your GetRemoteData controller, you can just use epi-cms/widget/IFrameController and read the pageidentifier from the query string parameter "id". Your view configuration would then be:
[ServiceConfiguration(typeof(ViewConfiguration))] public class MyViewConfiguration : ViewConfiguration<CustomPageType> { public MyViewConfiguration() { this.ControllerType = "epi-cms/widget/IFrameController"; this.ViewType = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/GetRemoteData"); } }
That worked perfectly :)
Thanks for taking the time to help, much appreciated.
I'm wondering if there is a way to access the current page in a ViewConfiguration. My Custom view looks like this:
public class CustomView : ViewConfiguration
public CustomView()
ViewType = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/GetRemoteData/
And I need to put some sort of reference to the current page in.
Any suggestions?