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Get Previous Page / Or page that Triggered the 404 page to appear



I Am trying to get the page that redirected to my ErrorPage, so i can do things with it :

it should be somethink Like this

 public ActionResult Index(ErrorPage currentPage)

var previousPage/ or PageThatRedirectedUsTo404Page  = currentPage...........; Here is the problem, 

            if (previousPage !=null &&
 previousPage.StopPublish < DateTime.Now)
                Response.Status = "410 Gone";
                Response.StatusCode = 410;
                return View(currentPage.DefaultViewPath, _pageViewModelFactory.CreateViewModel(currentPage));

Am new to backend Dev. and new to Epi. Has anyone tried to solve this before? Any Ideas? 


// Rajaa

May 09, 2018 16:18

How do you redirect to the error page?

Our solution has been to add this to the web.config httpErrors section:
<error statusCode="404" path="/404" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />

And registered a route for /404:

routes.MapRoute("404","404",new { controller = "Error", action = "NotFound" });

Inside the ErrorController we would still have the original info as we are still processing the same request from the client:

public ActionResult NotFound()
    var pathAndQuery = Request.Url.PathAndQuery.ToLowerInvariant();

There might very well be nicer solutions out there though. :)

May 09, 2018 17:26

Hi Rajaa

You could take a look or even use the popular open source 404 handler for Episerver:


May 11, 2018 22:08


Thank you for the help! was very good. 

I redirect this way : 

<httpErrors errorMode="Custom">
<remove statusCode="404" subStatusCode="-1" />
<remove statusCode="410" subStatusCode="-1" />
<error statusCode="404" prefixLanguageFilePath="" path="/Common/404/" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />
<error statusCode="410" prefixLanguageFilePath="" path="/Common/410/" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />

I have tried the 

var pathAndQuery = Request.Url.PathAndQuery.ToLowerInvariant();

but then it gave me a string of a url, which seemed to be an impossible way to retreive a Pagedata going this way :(  Am I wrong? 

Am using the same ActionResult Method for all errors, 404, 410..and so on. the same viewModel and View. My goal wa to determine if the errorPage was triggered by a neverExisted Page, or by a page that has expired. coz i want to do differents things depending on the reason for the redirect. i Really hoped to get to the errorTriggererPage, using the current page (ErrorPage). 

Thank you again:-)

// Rajaa

May 14, 2018 0:16
_urlResolver.Route(new UrlBuilder(url));

Normally gets you the PageData, but it probably won't work for an expired page, you can try to add a ContextMode as the second parameter to see if it helps.

May 14, 2018 11:17


Thnk you guys, really helpful! 

I was over thinking it! 

here is part of the solution: 


   if (language != null && errorLanguage != null &&

                string.Compare(language.Name, errorLanguage.Name,
            StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != 0)
                ErrorPage currentSiteerrorPage = _contentLoader.Get<ErrorPage>
                    (currentPage.ContentLink, language);               

                if (currentSiteerrorPage != null)
                    if (pathAndQuery.ToLower().Contains("/archive"))  //  && !pathAndQuery.Contains("/oldpage") 
                        Response.Status = "410 Gone";
                        _context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 410;
                        return View(currentSiteerrorPage.DefaultViewPath, _pageViewModelFactory.CreateViewModel(currentSiteerrorPage));
                    _context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 404;
                    return View(currentSiteerrorPage.DefaultViewPath, _pageViewModelFactory.CreateViewModel(currentSiteerrorPage));

Thank you1 

// Rajaa

May 14, 2018 15:26
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