Scheduled Jobs Overview shows a grid of all jobs with their last exection date and has some limited stats. Might be worth a try
Thank you Scott!
Installed the plugin to my local site and i was wondering if you know what the plugin is trying to indicate wehn a row in the overview is red with every column text being strikethrough?
it means that associated code (by type and assembly) does not exist anymore in codebase. basically at that moment there is no .dll in bin/ folder that contains this type. it's perfect candidate for removal.
We have a list of about 100 Scheduled jobs. I am wanting to do some research to identify scheduled jobs that are not used and can be turned off the scheduler and potentially have the associated code deleted.
Was wondering if through Epi (or a plugin) there was reporting that could detail the job history and the last run times for Scheduled jobs in bulk so I could start by seeing for every job when is the last time it was ran.