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Virtual routes in Episerver



I am trying to create a proof of concpet where I want to create a virtual route e.g /blog/category/blog123. Where blog123 doesnt exist as page in EPiserver. So isntead of getting 404  page i want to pick the url and search for any blog post that is tagged with blog123 and show the page under the url  /blog/category/blog123 (the canonical url will prevent the duplicate content). If no tagged blog will found then show 404 page.

The path to the virtual url could be any thing like /abc/def/blog/category/categoy2/blog123

/blog/category/myblog page might exist as a page in Episerver and the page should show as normal.

The only conistant thing is the url will always contains the /blog/ path

any ideas?

Jun 26, 2018 18:47


have you checked examples of partial routing in Episerver? This might give you some ideas and right direction.

Jun 26, 2018 18:57

This sounds like a good fit for a partail router as Valdis mentioned.

Jun 29, 2018 5:24
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