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Search in image titles: Are you sure your image files are indexed? If they are indexed, you should be able to search for them by file name.
.ShouldIndex(x => true);
This is default functionality that Episerver has right now so if you want custom search based on highlighted/selected folder then you can use implement it by using the PowerSlice.
Some examples-
It appears that when using the search while in the Media Tab, it returns results for the entire Media Library, and it seems to just search for PDF files.
Ultimately it'd be nice to just search on the folder you have high-lighted.
We are setting up a new site in DXC and ultimately would like to find a way to search for media assets JUST for the folder that's highlighted as they're segregating contnet by a simple root folder. (Probably a better way to do this?)
Is there a way to get the search to just search the highlighted folder?
Is there a way to get search to search through image titles?