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Hi Gabe,
The Alloy demo site gives a good example of how to add to the locations searched for partial views by extending the RazorViewEngine:
namespace Alloy11.Business.Rendering
/// <summary>
/// Extends the Razor view engine to include the folders ~/Views/Shared/Blocks/ and ~/Views/Shared/PagePartials/
/// when looking for partial views.
/// </summary>
public class SiteViewEngine : RazorViewEngine
private static readonly string[] AdditionalPartialViewFormats = new[]
TemplateCoordinator.BlockFolder + "{0}.cshtml",
TemplateCoordinator.PagePartialsFolder + "{0}.cshtml"
public SiteViewEngine()
PartialViewLocationFormats = PartialViewLocationFormats.Union(AdditionalPartialViewFormats).ToArray();
Where the location constants mentioned are:
public const string BlockFolder = "~/Views/Shared/Blocks/";
public const string PagePartialsFolder = "~/Views/Shared/PagePartials/";
You then need to register the view engine in an IInitializableModule like this:
/// <summary>
/// Module for customizing templates and rendering.
/// </summary>
public class CustomizedRenderingInitialization : IInitializableModule
public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
//Add custom view engine allowing partials to be placed in additional locations
//Note that we add it first in the list to optimize view resolving when using DisplayFor/PropertyFor
ViewEngines.Engines.Insert(0, new SiteViewEngine());
public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
public void Preload(string[] parameters)
For controllers, yes, you should be able to put them in a sub-folder without issue as they are not looked up by location in the same way as views.
If I want to store all of my blocks in a subfolder within Views folder called Blocks(~/Views/Blocks/...) as opposed to having all of my blocks in Views with all of the standard Views(~/Views/...) what is the best way of going about doing that?
Also, is this possible with the Controller files as well(~/Controllers/Blocks/...)?