Remove Expired Carts


While researching i discovered EpiServer has an out-of-the-box scheduled job called "Remove Expired Carts"

  1. Is there documentation for this job? All out-of-the-box EpiServer Jobs?
  2. How do i configure how many days this Job will use to consider a cart a valid removable candidate? I read an older forum post but am unable to find "ExpiredCartJobDays" in our code base
Jul 29, 2019 16:43
Jul 29, 2019 17:24

Praful, thank you for your response!

I am unable to find ExpiredCartJobDays in the appSettings section of Web.config

Jul 29, 2019 17:30

You need to add that like


<add key="ExpiredCartJobDays" value="2" />


It's just a guess, you can try and let me know if not work :)

Edited, Jul 29, 2019 17:35

ExpiredCartJobDays  is default to 30 if it is not present. If you want to set different value, you have to add the key yourself 

Jul 29, 2019 17:37

Thanks Praful and Quan, this is very helpful!

Jul 29, 2019 19:22
Praful Jangid - Jul 29, 2019 19:23
Your welcome. :)
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