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Links not resolving after adding hostname (.../link/sid)


Adding hostname to our Episerver stage environment has broken all of my links.  When you try following a link, they show as hostname/link/sid instead of hostname/pagename (http://hostname/link/30fb5f08c39445d7ad779b9b6aa67681.aspx).  

I see the "Rebuild Name for Web Addresses" in Admin/Config, but that doesn't seem to work.  Must be thinking it's function is something other than what I'm reading it does.


Feb 11, 2020 18:33

All links on the site or just links added in TinyMce editor? Do you use UrlResolver to generate all links?

Feb 12, 2020 7:33

All links.  In TinyMCE existing page links also show as /link/sid...  These should have been existing pages.  Not sure why adding a host name would have caused links to not resolve to the page names properly.  Not sure what UrlResolver is.  New to Episerver (basically inherited this site).

Feb 12, 2020 13:22

Going to try restoring database.  

Feb 12, 2020 13:23

Sounds weird. And you have a proper host definition in the website configuration in admin mode?

Feb 12, 2020 13:25

I do.  It looks like my content db is "futzed".  Just noticed that the page trees are different between stage and production.  Meaning, things are missing.  Not all, so some pages should resolve, but nothing is.  

Feb 12, 2020 13:28

Restored the site and links work, but now content isn't quite the same as prod.  2 steps forward, 1 step back.  

Feb 12, 2020 16:53

Have you considered getting a Developer Subscription?

Feb 13, 2020 15:50

I am now.  Thanks!

Feb 13, 2020 16:18
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.