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Join us this Friday for AI in Action at the Virtual Happy Hour! This free virtual event is open to all—enroll now on Academy and don’t miss out.
I would start by getting the getting the content link
var urlResolver = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<UrlResolver>();
IContent contentData = urlResolver.Route(new UrlBuilder("/contentassets/539a7275ce4540dda9b5388aefb26ae5/laptopspecificaties-cmi-opleidingen.pdf"));
var contentLinkID = contentData.ContentLink.ID;
Then you can load the parents and figure out where thy are.
Thanks Johan. But we do have this problem on a more regular basis, so I was hoping there is something in EPi itself that an editor can use to find items like these.
Create an admin tool that calls the code snippet privided by Johan.
Input: public URL
Output: link to edit mode URL
Thanks for the tip. Would be an option, but the user wouldn't be able to delete the file, because he doesn't know where it's located. The edit mode doesn't show that path. So we would need the actual folder. And... it's strange that it doesn't come out of the box. Surely we aren't the only ones who have this issue of not being able to locate files in the epi filesystem based on the url.
I have a pdf document somewhere hidden in my filestructure. The search in Media doesn't return it. But I do have the public url, which contains an ID: /contentassets/539a7275ce4540dda9b5388aefb26ae5/laptopspecificaties-cmi-opleidingen.pdf. How can I find this file under Media to be able to delete this, since there's no EPiServer ID, only the contentasset ID?