Pick a random content area item:
public virtual ContentArea ContentArea { get; set; }
public ContentAreaItem RandomItem
var random = new Random();
return ContentArea?.FilteredItems.OrderBy(x => random.Next()).FirstOrDefault();
An alternative approach would be to make a Random Visitor Group and then personalising the blocks in the content area.
var random = new Random(unchecked((int)(DateTime.Now.Ticks)));
IList<ContentAreaItem> randomItemsList = contentAreaItemsList.OrderBy(t => random.Next(contentAreaItemsList.Count)).ToList();
I thought you wanted to pick one content area item randomly.
Your own answer, that you accepted as the answer, returns all items in random order.
I have added a number of blocks as contentArea Items in a ContentArea property.
I need to randomly pick a contentarea item and display it.
I don't want it in the order its mentioned in the contentarea
Please Help!!!