Can you provide which version(s) of Episerver you're working on?
Only asking because XForms is now legacy functionality, and you should really use EPiServer.Forms if possible, as it already has ReCaptcha in the EPiServer.Forms.Samples package.
We are using CMS 7.5.394.2. I have implemented recapcha in episerver forms. It is working fine. But the present pages in the website are created in xforms. So client wants to include recapcha in xforms. Is there any documentation or example available on this.
Hi Chris,
I can see that episerver.forms is compatible with CMS 9. As we can't migrate to episerver 9 immedialtely, can you please suggest how to include recapcha in x-forms.
thank you in advance.
chaitanya talla
I am trying to insert recapcha on x-form. followed the link "".
But Request.Form["g-recaptcha-response"] is always null. please suggest how to get "g-recaptcha-response" values after submitting the form.