It's a large project to undertake. Once thing I would mention to be aware of is that the .NET 5/6 version of Episerver is on the horizon. This is going to be replacing the DI framework with the OOTB dependency framework I believe. So it may be worth waiting if you're planning on migrating once it comes out.
We would like to replace StructureMap as DI Framework with SimpleInjector in a huge project with CMS and Commerce in order to be consistent with other applications in the same solution.
I could not find any documentation on this. I guess instead of using EPiServer.ServiceLocation.StructureMap Package, we would have to write something similar to inject SimpleInjector. I reverse engineered the code a bit, but there are not-so-trivial classes, like StructureMapConfiguration with some reflection and other magic.
Can someone help us with this?
Thanks in advance,