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Hi Ethan,
This should be possible using the ContentLanguageSettingRepository
As far as I'm aware, if content inherits language settings from it's parent then it has no ContentLangaugeSetting
. So I believe you'd want to do something like this (which I'll caveat by saying I haven't tested at all):
var languageSettings = _contentLanguageSettingRepository.Load(contentLink);
if (languageSettings == null)
foreach (var languageSetting in languageSettings)
_contentLanguageSettingRepository.Delete(contentLink, languageSetting.LanguageBranch);
I have a site with a complex series of langauge fallbacks. I have set theis on the Root item. However, there are some blocks that were created before I set up the rules on Root so they have different rules. I would like to create a schedule job to loop throuh all blocks and pages and basically 'check' the inherit settings from parent. Can this be set in code?