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XhtmlString inside IList removes html attributes


I'm on version 11.20.11

I have a model that looks like this:

public class ListModel
        public XhtmlString XhtmlContent { get;set; }
    public class ListModelProperty : PropertyListBase<ListModel>
    public class PropertyListBase<T> : PropertyList<T>
        public PropertyListBase()
            _objectSerializer = this._objectSerializerFactory.Service.GetSerializer("application/json");

        private Injected<ObjectSerializerFactory> _objectSerializerFactory;
        private IObjectSerializer _objectSerializer;

        protected override T ParseItem(string value)
            return _objectSerializer.Deserialize<T>(value);

And a property

[EditorDescriptor(EditorDescriptorType = typeof(CollectionEditorDescriptor<ListModel>))]
 public virtual IList<ListModel> XhtmlStringCollection { get; set; }

If I add a new item to the collection, and add a block to the text field, it gets saved as <div data-contentlink="31223" data-classid="36f4349b-8093-492b-b616-05d8964e4c89" class="epi-contentfragment" contenteditable="false">Test</div> in the list.

This stays fine until i publish the page. When I publish, all attributes but the class are removed from the div, making the block invalid. Is there a way to prevent this?

I would rewrite it to use a contentarea instead, but this is on an existing project, so I don't want to lose data.

Edited, Mar 02, 2022 13:01


I never tried this with IList but you can try extending valid elements attributes extended_valid_elements for XhtmlString property using TinyMCE configuration and add your custom data attributes as valid elements

.AddSetting("extended_valid_elements", // List of valid elements in the editor, this includes scritps (for js), iframe, and several others. What you send inside the [] are the allowed inner elements for that tag 

Mar 02, 2022 15:01

Do you get the same behavior if you add the following attributes to your XhtmlContent property?

public class ListModel
    public XhtmlString XhtmlContent { get;set; }
Mar 02, 2022 19:26

Thanks for the tips! The JsonConverter worked!

Mar 03, 2022 8:01
Ted - Mar 03, 2022 8:27
Glad to hear it!
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