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Deleting language specific version of content


I am looking for an option to delete the language specific version of a page. Maybe I am missing something. I am just looking for a built-in solution (if available).

The "Move to Trash" will delete the whole page with all language versions (in below image).

I tried to search in forum, but I couldn't related it with the lates Optimizely version. Just like this forum

Jul 02, 2022 4:16

You should be able to remove language versions from the version gadget.

Jul 02, 2022 9:08
Praful Jangid - Jul 04, 2022 4:54
Hey Johan, I was looking for an option to do it without any customization or installing any addons. But, thanks for you quick response.
Johan Petersson - Jul 04, 2022 7:00
The language gadget is not an add-on. It's built-in. You just need to add to your view.
Tomas Hensrud Gulla - Jul 04, 2022 7:32
I just checked my CMS 12 site, and there is no Languages gadget as part of the default installation. Refer to the documentation here:

The nuget package:

Quote from the documentation:
After an administrator installs and sets up the add-on, you can add Optimizely Languages as a gadget where you can activate new languages for your website, manage language branches, and work with translation.
Johan Petersson - Jul 04, 2022 7:34
Sorry, meant the version gadget, as I initially wrote.

Two options

  • Language Manager (the language gadget mentioned by Johan), install the nuget if it's missing
  • The versions gadget (built-in)

In order to delete all language versions using the Versions gadget (will not work for the master language, i.e. the language in which the content was first created)

  • Add the gadget, if it's not already there
  • Select a version in the language you want to delete
  • Click the three dots (...) in the lower left corner
  • Click «Delete all LANGUAGE Versions»

Edited, Jul 03, 2022 20:13
Praful Jangid - Jul 04, 2022 4:57
Thanks @Tomas,
I was looking for that second option kind of solution, where no customization or deployment is involved.
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