Hi Luc,
You're able to do that by customizing your workflow - specific in CheckInventoryActivity.
Refer to this document for more information: http://world.episerver.com/documentation/developer-guides/commerce/workflows-and-activities/checkinventory-activity/
And the workflow package is available here: http://world.episerver.com/download2/
Thanks Son Do,
I get it, then Episerver Commerce don't have any standard way to do that.
I would rather see a field on the PriceDetail where you can specify a maximum amount, and then display that on the productpage "restricted to 3 items" (and dropdown with max items)
On the PriceDetail view in latest 10.5 you have min.quantity, (For example, if MinQuantity = 4 then customer must by at least 4 to get the UnitPrice) can i add a max quantity? (probably not)
How would you solve it to make it Variation and group specific?
I don't remember the legacy system too well, fortunately :), but you can create campaigns for customer segments (which also can contain customer groups).
So you would create seperate campaigns for the customergroups / segment, with the promotions. One Max 10, the other Max 3.
Hi all,
Version 10.4 and legacy promo system
I have demand for enabling so that some customer group can buy 10 item and other only 3.
How would you solve it? what is best practice?
if customergroup=="internal" then can buy max 10, else max 3. On Product or SKU.