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Product Price Update


Hi everyone,

I am using E-commerce site. So, I need to update the product price values frequently. I try to update the product price. But it's not worked.

I just referred the following link,

Still, now, I used to delete the product price before update the new price value.

Is there any way to update the price based on product  Customer Group( Sale Code).

Apr 26, 2018 17:16

Not sure if I understood your question correctly, but prices are placed on variant level, not product level.

If you're going to have the same price for all variants on a product you'll have to loop through all the variants and add the price to each of them and save them using the PriceDetailService.Save()-method.

To get the content references of all the variants of a product you can call the ProductContent.GetVariants()-method.

Updating customer group data is just a matter of running PriceDetailService.List and selecting an appropriate IPriceDetailValue.

I wrote together some sample code from what I gathered from your question it will obviously need editing but just to give you an idea:

    // Inject these:
    IPriceDetailService _priceDetailService;
    IContentRepository _contentRepository;

    public void CreateOrUpdateCustomerGroupPrice(ProductContent product, string customerGroupName, Money price, MarketId market)
        var variantReferences = product.GetVariants();

        foreach (var variantReference in variantReferences)
            // Gets current read only prices.
            var variantPrices = _priceDetailService.List(variantReference);

            var currentPrice = variantPrices.FirstOrDefault(
                x =>
                    x.CustomerPricing.PriceTypeId == CustomerPricing.PriceType.PriceGroup &&
                    x.CustomerPricing.PriceCode == customerGroupName);

            CatalogKey catalogKey; // we need to either generate this or copy it from the current price
            if (currentPrice == null)
                // lot's of loading for a catalogkey, maybe needs another approach.
                var variant = _contentRepository.Get<VariationContent>(variantReference);
                catalogKey = new CatalogKey(variant.LoadEntry());
                catalogKey = currentPrice.CatalogKey;

                // Delete the old price

            // Mostly copied from world sample code. Set values to whatever you need here, parameterize the ones that aren't static.
            var newPriceValue = new PriceDetailValue
                CatalogKey = catalogKey,
                MarketId = market,
                CustomerPricing = new CustomerPricing(CustomerPricing.PriceType.PriceGroup, customerGroupName),
                ValidFrom = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7),
                ValidUntil = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7),
                MinQuantity = 0m,
                UnitPrice = price

            // Save the new price

Disclaimer: This code is untested and is only intended as a sample solution.

Edited, Apr 27, 2018 1:52

Hi Jafet,

Thank You for your response.

I too used the same procedure what you did.

While Insert the price we first delete old price right. That's an actual problem I need to update 10k products means I have to delete the old price and add the new one.

Is there any way to update the price?

Apr 27, 2018 7:58

Ok, try the constructor overload of PriceDetailValue that accepts an IPriceDetailValue instead:

    // Inject these:
    IPriceDetailService _priceDetailService;
    IContentRepository _contentRepository;

    public void CreateOrUpdateCustomerGroupPrice(ProductContent product, string customerGroupName, Money price, MarketId market)
        var variantReferences = product.GetVariants();

        foreach (var variantReference in variantReferences)
            // Gets current read only prices.
            var variantPrices = _priceDetailService.List(variantReference);
            var currentPrice = variantPrices.FirstOrDefault(
                x =>
                    x.CustomerPricing.PriceTypeId == CustomerPricing.PriceType.PriceGroup &&
                    x.CustomerPricing.PriceCode == customerGroupName);

            PriceDetailValue newPriceValue;
            if (currentPrice == null)
                // lot's of loading for a catalogkey, maybe needs another approach.
                var variant = _contentRepository.Get<VariationContent>(variantReference);
                // Set values to whatever you need here, parameterize the ones that aren't static.
                newPriceValue = new PriceDetailValue
                    CatalogKey = new CatalogKey(variant.LoadEntry()),
                    MarketId = market,
                    CustomerPricing = new CustomerPricing(CustomerPricing.PriceType.PriceGroup, customerGroupName),
                    ValidFrom = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7),
                    ValidUntil = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7),
                    MinQuantity = 0m,
                    UnitPrice = price
                newPriceValue = new PriceDetailValue(currentPrice); // Copies the previous one including it's priceValueId
                newPriceValue.UnitPrice = price;
            // Save the new price
            _priceDetailService.Save(newPriceValue); // Updates or creates the price based on if newPriceValue already has a  priceValueId set or not

Disclaimer: This code is untested and is only intended as a sample solution.

Edited, Apr 27, 2018 10:34

Thank you, Jafet.

I will try and let you know.

Apr 27, 2018 11:11

Hi Jafet,

I just update the old price by referring the below link.

Apr 27, 2018 18:37
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