Drag and drop not working on product


I'm having issues adding images (or any content) to products in the 'Assets' tab.  I can do this from the 'Add Media' option but not from dragging/dropping from the assets pane.

I'm on the latest version of Commerce (12.17.2) and CMS.IU (11.21.7).  At a loss. 

Apr 08, 2020 3:37

Any error from the browser console ?

Apr 08, 2020 6:16


Is there anything in Episerver logs related to this?

Apr 08, 2020 8:30

I'm only seeing a console warning for this, it could be related (?)

No exceptions in the log either.

Edited, Apr 08, 2020 13:49

I know this is old, but we have the same problem and I suspect that it is not supported.

I testet with newest version and with quicksilver and I see the same there. When dragging from a item that is allready added, then you can't change order. You need to go to the "menu bar" on the item and press up/down.

If you drag in a new item from media, then you can drop it at the order you want.

No errors in the console

So I guess it is the [UIHint("commercemediacollection")] that doesn't support drag'n'drop on items allready added
Apr 26, 2021 9:06

I just checked it and it works fine for me. It's possible that you are editing non master language, in that case Assets (and the underlying CommerceMediaCollection property) is not editable.

This applies to the original question as well 

Apr 26, 2021 10:07

I'm editing the master language as we only have one language. Also, as mentioned, we can add new items and we can change order if we press the menu and select up/down

Adding a gif, maybe that explains more? Thats from the quicksilver demo project

Apr 26, 2021 11:03

Ah I see, I probably misread you. In that case yes, it is not allowed to drag and drop to reposition the assets. It has been too long for me to remember any reason why it's not supported, but it's the way it is for now. True you can argue that drag and drop will make a better experience but I don't think it will be added any time soon, or at all.

Apr 26, 2021 11:23

Good, because I used 1.5day to create a workaround using a new property of type IList<ContentReference> hooking up on PublishingEvent and finding out how IModelTransform works so the new IList get filled out with data from the CommerceMediaData if the IList was empty. (they only use "default" group so that is the reason why I could make the "workaround")

I guess it has something to do with the "groups", but thats just a guess from my site.

Thanks for confirming that it wont be fixed :) 

Apr 26, 2021 11:33
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