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Get statistic autocomplete -- Cannot get more than 10 items even I set size parameter to 1000 or whatever, the HitsCutoff parameter is ineffective


Hi guys,

I am improving performance to retrieve suggestions from Episerver Find while the customer is typing.

Once the customer inputs more letter then we will send request to Episerver Find to get new suggestion list. So it is not good because we make a lot of different requests to Episerver Find. Currently average response time for each episerver find request is about more then 1s.

So I want to retrieve all suggestions from Episerver Find and caching in our app server to reduce number of requests. But I found that the maximum number of hits that I can get is only 10 even I input "size" parameter more like this:

_findClient.Statistics().GetAutocomplete("test", autocompleteCommand =>
                            command.Size = 1000;
                            command.HitsCutoff = 10;

Moreover, I do not understand that the HitsCutoff parameter is used for what. I do not see the different results if I set or do not set this parameter.

I thought that we can use the HitsCutoff parameter for paging but I do not see it works.

Do you have any ideas about these things?


Mar 04, 2021 9:05

Shouldn't it be

_findClient.Statistics().GetAutocomplete("test", command => { command.Size = 1000; command.HitsCutoff = 10; });

This is new to me admittedly ...

Mar 04, 2021 15:19
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