Hi @Sandeep, I believe OWIN login page will fail until all the migration steps are completed if you are using a custom login page. Especially when upgrading your version, I have always used Epi Login page to authenticate and then complete the migration steps before I can access custom login page in your case OWIN login page. Try login using your Epi Login page and access your /migrate/ URL and complete the migration and them move to your custom login page.
~ Sujit
HI Sujit
The only way I could get around this was to add the necessary OWIn classes so the project wont give a build error.
THen I removed all authentication from the web config so that the migration would run.
Once migrated I went back to the old authentication way as currently we do not want to move to Owin authentication.
Tooka bit of back and forth but managed to do it.
Hi Sujit
We have already thought about this hurdle. However we tried various thing and could not get past this login issue without the solution above.
It would definitely be an issue if you are on the DXC platform.
However the website we are doing this for is still on its own dedicated servers. So the plan is to take it offline and run it locally on the server so that the DB's get upgraded and then put it back online.
We have had numerous SQL issues also so we need a proper plan. We will be take a cut of the live DB onto our dev environment will be doing a test run to see what issues we face and how long it takes and upgrade accordingly.
Kind Regards
We seem to be having the following problem.
We are unable to get the pei login to work after upgrading to version
Our goal it to upgrade to the final version (13.32.0) but we are doing it a few version at a time
FOr us adding the following app settign key in the main web.config does not do anything
<add key="AutoMigrate" value="true" />
<add key="AutoMigrateEPiServer" value="true" />
It still keep migrating us to the epi admin login page.
THe new owin login module is not working for us so we want to get past this step so that we can investigate a bit more easily in our own login controller.
Any input is much appreciated.
Kind Regards