Have anyone an answer to this? Im trying to do something similiar. I want to use a pagetree instead to be able to use the NumberOfLevels property but it won't display anything. If I change the PageTree to a pagelist it works so the databinding seems to be correct. If i use the PageLink property on the pagetree it also displays data.
itemtemplate etc
itemtemplate etc
public abstract class ContactScript : UserControlBase { protected EPiServer.WebControls.MenuList ContactListA; protected EPiServer.WebControls.PageTree ContactListB; protected EPiServer.WebControls.MenuList ContactListC; protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal MetaTagGenerator; public int region_index=0; private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DataBind(); if(!IsPostBack) { ContactListA.DataBind(); ContactListB.DataBind(); } } }
Thanks in advance! // Tony